Category Archives: Will You Be My Friend

If You’re Going to be a Gobshite, be the Biggest Gobshite in the World. – If you are unsure what the link is for, it is a song that I demand you should listen to while reading this.  It describes the deep emotion that I feel for everything…not really its just a banging tune.
Now, ordinarily I don’t believe in blogging, the idea that someone is trying to force their opinions on me is just depressing.  I’m not a mindless drone that needs people telling me what to think, I have my parents and 10 years of boarding school under my belt for that, thank you very much.
However due to lack of better judgement, or serious amounts of procrastination skill, I recently started writing and came to realize that a lot of it was an absolute load of balls.  All I was doing was venting my anger about certain things and becoming another female blogger with too much menstrual angst to contain.  Personally I’m all for people blogging about their opinions and trying to get other people on their crazy crazy side (I’m an even bigger fan of getting rich out of forcing my opinions onto strangers through the media of the internet) however I refuse to debase myself into being the girl who gets annoyed about stupid things and then has to publicly announce my general upset so I can feel loved and much happier in myself.
So I deleted all the crappy female hormone driven work, and instead have started up this delightful little piece of creative writing.  Ok so that’s a lie, this is probably not going to be delightful at all, I’m probably going to offend several groups of people (I probably already have), and not just with my bad writing style and atrocious spelling, but because as a 21 year old girl I have nothing better to do when I’m sober than to sit at my computer and criticise the crap out of everything.   That doesn’t mean I don’t like some things;
I love:  1) Eating
           3) Chocolate (ties with eating)
           4) Memebase
           5) The Occasional Spliff*
           6) Tesco (ties with chocolate)
           7) Masturbation (its healthy…)
           8) Winning
           9) Swearing
          10) And Much Much More….
So although I love a lot of stuff, there are things in this world that to my mind are horribly horribly wrong and I feel the need t
o warn the world away from them.  Like those oversized hipster glasses that are being worn around town, you look like you are about
 to go to to watch Avatar in 3D, you have 20/20 vision and don’t need them, take them off now. Prick
So this is what this blog is for; me to say what I want (good and bad), swear a bit too much, probably get reported to the almighty powers that run wordpress, get blocked, have to rename myself and recreate this whole thing again (never fear I’ll make back up copies of my work, so you can never get rid of me).
Caio for now kids, and please take everything I say with a massive spoonful of salt.
– T.J
* Replace ‘Occasional’ with ‘Biggest amount of’ and ‘Spliff’ with ‘Anything I can get my dirty mitts on’